Got Milk?

Got milk? Most of us have heard that particular advertising slogan by the milk council. Their point is that milk is good for you and it is to a point. However, if you were to try to live on milk alone you could adversely suffer. The reason for this is, milk is high in cholesterol and fat, which is a cause of heart disease. Then two of the normally good aspects of milk would turn against you. Too much calcium could lead to bone spurs and too much vitamin-D could lead to vitamin-D toxicity. What it boils down to is that while you do need milk in your diet, you cannot live on milk alone.

The same holds true when it comes to the word of God. When we are new Christians, we need the milk or basic teachings of God’s word to grow. We are not ready for the deeper teachings of Christ at this point. To teach the deeper teachings of Christ to a new Christian would be like giving a steak to a baby. They would not be able to appreciate what they were being given.

On the other hand, there are Christians that try to live on the milk of God’s word alone. For one reason or another, they just never get past the simple teachings and end up depriving themselves of vital knowledge they need to grow in Christ. They are weak in their faith because of lack of spiritual nutrition. Eventually some even spiritually die. If you want to grow in your faith, try adding some of the deeper teachings of Christ in your spiritual diet and see how much you can grow.

Ghosts of the Past

Recently I had a discussion with a friend about what I would change in my life if I could change anything from my past.  This made me stop and think what I would change.  One thing I have always thought about is reducing the number of deaths I have witnessed.  Maybe I could go back and do better in school.  However the longer I thought about this the more, I concluded there is nothing I can change.  Like it or not we are a result of our life experiences.  To change one thing would change who I am.

We are not alone in feeling as if we want to change things in our lives.  Paul it seems had things that he wanted to change also. It is what the Lord told him that made a great impact on me.  He told Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, power is perfected in weakness.”  No one knows what it was that Paul dealt with, but it is obvious that it was there for a reason.  This issue is what help Paul to be himself.  Paul may have not been the great apostle we now know if God removed that issue for Paul.

Therefore, the next time you are sitting there thinking that you wish you could change your past remember what God told Paul.  Change the way you think about what haunts you from your past.  Instead of the past being your enemy, make it your friend by realizing, that experience help to mold you into who you are today and God loves you the way you are.